Tips for packing a beach picnic

Beach Picnic | Eko Pearl Towers

Enjoying a sunny picnic on the beautiful ocean shore is ideal for peace of mind and relaxation as well as spending quality time with friends and family. Here are some tips to help keep the mess to a minimum and make the most of your beach picnic.

– Avoid perishable foods. Mayonnaise and other such foods will go bad in the heat and sun and could cause food poisoning. Try to stay away from foods that spoil, and focus on condiments such as Ketchup and Mustard or Hummus.
– Opt for finger foods. Choosing foods that don’t require plates and silverware is the best way to lessen clutter. Chips and dip, fruits, vegetables, and crackers are all good ideas for a filling, handy snack.
– Keep the little ones in mind. Provide snacks that appeal to children and maybe even some candy as an extra treat.
– Don’t forget the umbrella! Too much direct sun could lead to sunburn and an uncomfortable time. Make sure to pack an umbrella as well as some baseball caps and sunglasses to keep the glare at bay.
– Keep clean. Bring along wipes and tissues and keep them within reach to clean up any sticky hands before the sand gets involved.
– Stay cool. Pre-freeze some of your water bottles and drinks so that by the time you are settled in and are ready for your first refreshing sip, your drink will be at the perfect temperature.
– Respect Nature. Bring along trash bags in order to collect all your waste. Try to use recyclable bottles and containers.

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–  Keep a souvenir. Take along a fully charged camera or smart phone in order to capture some beautiful memories. However, be careful not to drop it in the water or sand.
– Be prepared. Hanging out at the beach means plenty of sand carried into your car and trekked into your home. Bring along a change of clothes for the little ones, and don’t forget to shake out towels and blankets before packing them away for the ride back.
– Water fun. Bring along a beach ball and some swimming suits to enjoy the water if the weather permits.
– Stay hydrated. Sitting under the warm sun all day can have its repercussions if you don’t stay hydrated. Remember to drink plenty of water and other fluids, and remind the children to as well.
– Stay healthy. Use high SPF sunscreen and stay under your umbrella to avoid sunburn and dehydration.

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