Can you relate to these 5 Nigerian traditions?
1. Three Weddings
Traditionally, Nigerians are expected to have three separate weddings. The first is a traditional wedding, which may involve wine carrying and bride price. The second is a religious wedding ceremony. The third is the court union where everything becomes recognized legally.
2. After-Birth Care “Omugwo”
For at least three months after a new mother gives birth, her mother-in-law stays with her in her home and takes care of her and the baby. The mother of the newborn does not have to do anything around the house, from chores to cooking to caring for the baby. If the mother-in-law is not available to do this task, the new mother’s own mom or another female family member steps in.
3. “Sunday Rice”
In most Nigerian homes, a special rice dish is prepared to be enjoyed by the family on Sunday after church. The rice is usually made of white rice and stew of tomatoes and peppers, as well as chicken, beef or fish.
4. Greeting Elders
In Nigeria, greeting elders is a huge matter of showing respect. In some tribes. women are expected to kneel or curtsy, while men are expected to bow to the grow completely. In some homes, elders are expected to be thanked after every meal. Each elder is thanked individually.
5. Child Dedication Ceremony
Aside from the typical African Naming Ceremony, this dedication ceremony is a way for parents and family members to thank God for the child and his or her presence, as well as presenting the child to God as a loyal servant.